My Two-Cents: Bad, Worse, and Even Worse.
If I have the desire to make good decisions – I will stay inside the comfort of my humble abode and watch South Park over a glass of wine. However, there is only one thing I’m definitely going to do if I want to make bad decisions – go out. No one abruptly says this, but it’s true. I am going to march myself to the bouncer, hand him my still-non-expired vertical ID, and tell him to read it and weep. And then I’m going to proceed to make horrible, ill-advised decisions for the rest of the night. In what you could call a full-fledged effort – because there is no place for half-assing things in life, or in bars. Full-ass that shit. Are you going to suck my cock or just look at it? That’s what I thought.
There is plenty of room for error on a casual night out, coupled with plenty of room for potential regret. However, I have decided to really hone in on my previous statement. And do my second favorite thing (be honest) -- Hanxiety is so 2019. This may not be the most admirable approach, but it will be less frowned upon if we remember one thing: The world is fair, but she is not always kind. So sometimes all you really want to do is take a break from your responsibilities and make poor decisions. Bad ones. Worse ones. And the even worse ones. Which you enable yourself to do by going out! Just be honest with yourself about your intentions. I think the things we will regret most will not be acts of drunken stupor, but rather the times we failed to be kind, failed to be curious, and actually cheered for the Green Bay Packers. Fuck the green bay packers. Seriously, who likes the Green Bay Packers? They are the new Colts (and no one likes the Colts).
P.S. Dad if you're reading this, I’m sorry for cursing on the Internet yet again.