My Two-Cents: 1:10 Ratio

I think a good rule of thumb is to try to be the bigger person. However, for every 9 times you turn the other cheek, there’s probably one time it’s okay to stoop to a lower level. Fight fire with fire. Get meticulous. And be a little ridiculous. 

That is why I’ve developed the 1:10 BTBP (Be The Bigger Person) Code of Moral Ethics Standard.

You’ve heard of the Golden Rule; treat others how you'd like to be treated – except for that 1 out of 10 time where you think they really deserve shit.

My dad once told me: Be nice to those you pass on the way up, because you might pass them on the way down. Very valid and insightful advice. Except for that one asshole you can’t stand; in which case (as long as your complying with the 1:10 rule) shove his ass off the stair ledge. (Not actually, more “metaphorically”)

It’s generally in good thought to be the bigger person. But sometimes, you’re dealing with someone who resembles a 7ft tall sack-of-shit. And in that case, how can you be the bigger person? You can’t – so you ask yourself if it’s time to exercise your 1 right of the 1:10 BTBP Code. And if it is, here’s how you proceed:

  1. If you are going to get back at someone, it needs to be funny. Being mean to be mean is just childish. But you know what’s not? Poetic Justice. Irony is a fickle queen, and you should use her to take out your deserving pawns.
  2. Get creative. Walk the line a bit. Be bold yet classy in your revegnial pursuit.
  3. If your revenge is clever enough, I think even Jesus himself will turn a blind eye and laugh.
  4. Remember! These rules only apply to the ONE time out of ten. Generally speaking, you should avoid being an asshole. Keep your morals (most of the time).
  5. Get meticulous.
  6. Be a little ridiculous.

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My Two-Cents: Presidency for Dummies