My Two-Cents: Friday After Class

Well, I guess class isn’t really in session. But I’ve taken a liking to saying it’s FAC baby! (Friday After Class.) 

*Discloser, you don’t really need to have (or go to) class to say it’s FAC.

What am I thinking about during FAC? Here are a couple of my thoughts/bits as of late. 

  1. Whoever said there aren’t enough hours in the day CLEARLY never tried sobriety. I can confirm, after (only one) week of loose sobriety, there are definitely enough hours in the day. There might even be too many hours in the day.
  2. My next goal is to get on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune – because they are all stupid and I think I’d kick their asses. But in order to do that, I would have to become a celebrity… So maybe I’ll just take the regular version.
  3. The Wordle needs to calm its tits. Two of the seven words this week were unreasonable and uncalled for. Doesn’t the NYT know that I only do the Wordle every morning so I can feel good about myself? Whoever decided “Balsa” would constitute an acceptable answer clearly wants me to be highly embarrassed in my Wordle Group chat. Though at some point or another during the day, I inevitably do something stupid and find myself embarrassed, I’d prefer it on my own terms! Not the son of a gun New York Times. Shame on you NYT, shame on you. 
  4. They should create a new Driver’s Ed, call it “Real Driver’s Ed”, and teach you shit you’ll actually use. Like when is it socially acceptable to flip someone off. And yeah, it says you can’t park there, but is it up to creative interpretation? Along with Proper Designated Drivers Edicate, and Aux-cord Edicate. And when is it okay to go 25 in the left lane of a 35 – Christ-Almighty, NEVER!
  5. If my nachos have lettuce and I eat them with a fork, it’s like salad, right? And queso is dressing.
  6. I’m having a hard time cutting calories when I have to eat my words all the fucking time. 
  7. Spotify Blend might be the best idea they’ve had in the past 5 years. It’s legit; I’m surprised it took a music company this long to come up with a feature like it.
  8. On the note of music: I am trying to find a way to overcome my toxic trait of overplaying a song that I like until I can no longer stand it. The success rate is pretty low but I’ll update if any progress strikes. 
  9. There is no good first-date menu option. My friend and I dissected this problem for 30 minutes the other night and came up empty-handed in the solution department. No one is safe. Salad is no safe bet – lettuce is hit or miss. Pasta is a shot in the dark, and you better lean toward penne. A burger leaves lots of leeway for awkward messiness. And wings or nachos? Let me say, I fucking love wings – but am I in the mood to work for my meal? These are the big-girl questions I find myself asking nowadays. 
  10. I sometimes find myself thinking in Beer-Wage. How many on-tap Coors-Light could I have for this hour of work? How about if I went the fiscally responsible route and bought from Super-Saver. Currently, I’m dabbling in unemployment. But as soon as I get back on the working-force-horse, these will be the tough questions I’m asking. 

Happy FAC ;)

My Two-Cents: Was it a (Pre-planned) Party in the USA?


My Two-Cents: Quiescent-ness