My Two-Cents: Eavesdropping
I don’t know if I should admit this online, but I’m far past preserving my image on this platform -- so I’ll just go for it. Here's something we all do but no one wants to admit: Eavesdropping. And here's another tabooed admission of guilt: It’s super fucking entertaining.
My friend told me the other day he wears headphones walking around campus when he doesn’t feel like talking to anyone – even when he’s not listening to music. If an AK-47 is the ideal weapon then AirPods are the ideal Anti-Socialization weapon. (I think honestly I don't know a lot about guns I've just played GTA a couple times.) Additionally, if my friend hears a juicy conversation going on – he can tune in, headphones in ear, and eavesdrop without drawing suspicion. I would be willing to bet he is among the majority of people who actually do this. He’s just in the minority by being one who’s willing to admit it.
I love eavesdropping on random conversations – preferably with people who are completely unknown to my life. And preferably when they are spilling their juiciest, deepest, darkest, secrets. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again – my life is pretty fucking boring. And that’s the way I like it, thank you very much! I don’t have the desire to spice it up by adding the delicacies of drama, so I can get my entertainment kick through eavesdropping.
When I was talking to a friend today I brought up something I asked a teacher after class today, and she mentioned she heard it (and that she was eavesdropping). This is more than fine by me; we all do it! I think it’s stupid that it’s taboo. If you don’t eavesdrop, I’m going to assume that you're really fucking weird. Eavesdropping is like the old-fashioned equivalent of showing your friends the controversial text someone sent you. Which – though tabooed – we know everyone does. I’ve pretty much accepted that when I’m saying stuff out loud, there's a pretty good chance that someone around me might be listening. So if I have something super secretive to say, I wouldn't mention it around the headphone-wearing secrete-eavesdropping-agents. However, most of the time I don’t really care if the people around me hear me bitch and moan about how Wendy’s got rid of the 4 for 4 since that’s the extent of excruciating drama details of my life. So instead I kind of hope that they are listening and getting some humor out of my over-invested opinion of fast food chains.